Revival is coming to those who are hungering and thirsting after God and ready to do His will and serve Him as we follow the Lord Jesus Christ in obedience, faithfulness and love. God is not willing that any precious souls should perish and be lost for eternity, but rather desires that all men and women should be saved by repenting of their sins and believing in Jesus Christ, who died for us all, bearing our sins in His own body on the cross. Glory be to His holy Name for ever and ever!

Francis Maina
Francis Maina, the pastor of Revival House Oxford, has a passion for souls, longing to reach out to the people of Oxford and beyond with the wonderful message of eternal salvation through repentance and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. He has a pastor's heart, seeking to build up the body of Christ in truth and love, caring for the weak, discipling new believers and training and equipping the saints for the work of ministry. He is assisted by his wife Beth, and they have been blessed with two precious daughters.